Let's Hold President Obama to his Promise

Do you think that Americans know what they’re buying at the grocery store? Chances are they don’t.

According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, an estimated 80% of processed foods sold in the U.S. contain ingredients that have been genetically modified in high-tech laboratories, known as GMOs (or genetically modified organisms).

For the past 20 years, Americans have been denied their basic right to know because of a flawed regulatory system that has relied on corporate science without adequate peer-reviewed testing and scientific oversight. Recent polling has shown that 93% of Americans support mandatory labeling of GMOs.

Fortunately we have a president who agrees with labeling GMOs...

In 2007 President Obama promised to label GMOs in a campaign speech stating that he'll "let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified".

Today we stand behind President Obama in urging him to fulfill his promise.

Click here to watch Senator Obama calling for GMO labeling on the campaign trail in 2007. Join us in telling President Obama it’s time to keep his word: Label GMOs!

In the fall of 2007, then Senator Barack Obama was jockeying for second place in the Iowa caucus, the first in the nation electoral contest in the 2008 election. On November 10th, Senator Obama spoke in front of an audience of more than 400 farmers and rural activists, pledging to promote local foods, sustainable agriculture and the labeling of GMO foods if elected.

Half-way into his speech, Obama said:

“Here’s what I’ll do as President. I’ll immediately implement Country of Origin Labeling because Americans should know where their food comes from. And we’ll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because Americans should know what they’re buying,” promised Obama.

Tell President Obama it’s time to keep his word – Label GMOs!

Click here to watch the video where Senator Obama calls for GMO labeling on the campaign trail and sign your name to make it happen. 

Food Democracy Now! joins a broad coalition of more than 400 businesses, co-ops and organizations in the call to label genetically engineered foods. Last week, the Center for Food Safety filed a legal petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and we urge President Obama to hold true to his campaign promise and direct the FDA to immediately implement mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods.

Already more than 40 countries around the world require labeling of foods that contain GMOs. While Americans who live in the “land of the free” have no idea what’s in their food, citizens in Australia, Brazil, the European Union, Japan, Russian and even China have the legal right to know.

Since the Obama administration has ramped up approval of GMO crops over the past nine months, including Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO alfalfa, Roundup Ready GMO sugar beets, Syngenta’s GMO ethanol corn and a Scotts MiracleGro variety of GMO grass for lawns, with approval for GMO salmon is currently pending with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it's clear that it's time that foods made with GMOs be labeled.

Tell President Obama: It's time to stand up to the corruption of our regulatory system and help make GMO labeling a reality, because you agree, "Americans should know what they're buying."

Pitching in $35 will help us deliver your message to Washington DC — It's time to make GMO labeling a reality. Click here to donate.

Let this administration know that we demand our basic right to know if the food that we’re eating contains ingredients that have been genetic engineered.

Valuable Sources

  1. “Many Skeptical of Bio-Engineered Food," ABC News, June 19, 2011

  2. "Groups File Legal Petition With FDA Demanding Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods," Center for Food Safety, October 4, 2011

  3. “Studies show GMOs in majority of U.S. processed foods, 58 percent of Americans unaware of issue," PR Newswire, October 10, 2010

  4. "Obama’s Deregulation of GMO Crops," Tikkun, May 27, 2011

  5. “Obama, Edwards push rural agendas in Iowa," Boston Globe, October 18, 2007

  6. “Candidates tout their farm credentials," Des Moines Register, via League of Rural Voters, November 11, 2007

  7. “A Review of International Labeling Policies of Genetically Modified Food to Evaluate India’s Proposed Rule,” Ag Bio Forum

  8. “Genetifically Modified Alfalfa Officially On The Way,” The Atlantic, January 27, 2011

  9. “USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Sugar Beets,” Rodale, February 7, 2011

  10. “USDA Approves Use of Genetically Engineered Corn for Ethanol,” Friends of the Earth, February 11, 2011

  11. “Wait, Did the USDA Just Deregulate All New Genetically Modified Crops?” Mother Jones, July 8, 2011

  12. “Genetically Altered Salmon Get Closer to the Table,” New York Times, June 25, 2010


Image found at http://www.globalresearch.ca

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